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Remote Working The New Normal

Mar 10, 20200 comments

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Ever since we started in 2013, we naturally embraced the concept of remote working. Working with talent in different time zones & continents to being on-site with clients the need to be mobile & flexible has been part of our culture. Here are the things we’ve learned;


  • Even though you are remote – you still need a dedicated space to establish a routine (boundaries).
  • Have the right equipment – a laptop and an internet connection are all you really need.
  • Dress like you would for work (PJ’s and sweats will create the wrong environment – I always say, if something comes up and I have to go somewhere, I should be ready to go)
  • Schedule breaks – you still need to get away and stretch.
  • Avoid background noise and distractions (TV, music) if you focus, you’ll get things done faster.
  • Use communication tools (Synchronous – for chat, meetings and calls; Skype/Slack, Chime. Asynchronous – for tasks and schedules; Basecamp, Asana). Choose specific ones and stick to them.
  • Clearly define a set of rules/requirements according to the nature of the meeting(s).
  • Have an Agenda and stick to the timing.
  • Summarize and distribute (by end of day or sooner)
  • Every week, at fixed intervals, each team meets on a call and explains what they’ve worked on this week and what they are working on next.
  • Oh and eat well… thinking requires energy (feed the brain)


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